5 Spooky (But Avoidable) Ways To Lose A Job Offer

Halloween 2021

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You know what’s SCARIER than adorable little monsters knocking on your door and you’ve completely run out of treats? An amazing dream job offer that got retracted because you didn’t read this edition of TALTEK’S TAKE.

So you gave your best at all stages of the recruitment process; you aced the interviews; impressed all who’s involved; and now you’ve landed an offer to your dream job! Congratulations! Then your enthusiasm bubbled over, causing you to behave unusually causing the employer to reconsider their job offer.

As recruiters, we’ve seen one too many talents get their job offer retracted due to these 5 entirely regrettable but highly avoidable reasons:

1. Overloading The Hiring Manager With Too Many Questions

Lorsque le responsable du recrutement dit de se sentir libre de le contacter pour toute question, il serait plus sage, à la place, d’adresser d’abord vos questions à la personne RH ou au recruteur et de les laisser vous aider avec les réponses. Même dans ce cas, gardez-le au minimum (des choses qui affecteront si vous signez réellement l’offre ou la date de début). Pourquoi? Parce que vous ne voulez pas que votre nouvelle entreprise et votre nouveau patron pense que vous êtes « à haut niveau d’entretien ». Il est compréhensible d’être énergisé et enthousiaste à propos du nouvel emploi, mais il y a un moment et un endroit pour poser ces questions. Et ce n’est certainement pas avant de commencer le nouvel emploi. Au lieu de cela, attendez d’avoir commencé le nouvel emploi pour poser ces questions.

2. Failing To Be Transparent

Honesty is the best policy. Certain jobs require background checks usually for security purposes, which typically look for past criminal charges, financial information and etc. This process costs money, and if you had failed to divulge important information at the beginning, you end up wasting the company’s resources, and everyone’s time including yours. Additionally, you may leave a black mark on your CV with that company forever.

3. Not Holding Your Tongue

Ne soyez pas trop amical pour être assez à l’aise pour parler de « sujets interdits », comme parler négativement de vos emplois passés, de vos patrons ou employeurs actuels ou précédents. Par exemple : « Je voudrais vérifier les heures que vous voulez que je travaille parce que les attentes de mon dernier emploi étaient trop élevées… » ou « Combien d’heures dois-je travailler ? « . Vous vous ferez une idée tout au long du processus d’entretien. Choisissez judicieusement vos questions.

4. You Did Not Provide And Prepare Awesome, Relevant References

References are too often an afterthought. Even when it’s not, it’s perceived to be so causing talents to be complacent and even careless about it. Hence, don’t risk it. Always provide a star referee who has worked with you preferably recently, and whom we highly recommend to be your superior. Not your mom, best friend, or your friendly neighbour.

Always ask for your referee’s consent before providing their contact information. Tell them about the job you are applying for, the skills that are required so that they can think about the aspects about you they could focus on during the reference check.

Also, make sure they are prepared to talk about your growth areas as this is a question we’ll always ask. Giving them the heads-up for this question allows them to review their experience working with you, and to prepare themselves to articulate your growth areas in a constructive and positive light.

5. Not Being Prudent, Patient, Or Professional

Give notice of resignation to your current employer only until the job offer has been received, signed, sealed, delivered and confirmed receipt by your next employer. This is the prudent thing to do.

Oftentimes, this process includes background checks, reference checks, paper work involving multiple departments and levels (i.e. Management, Finance, HR, IT and etc). Understandably, co-ordinating this takes time. Take a deep breath and chant Om as you steel yourself for a roller coaster of emotions till you receive the offer. To help you manage your expectations, ask (the recruiter or HR; refer to point 1 above) how long the process would roughly take.

Be professional. If you have received other job offers in the meantime, tell them as quickly as possible and give them a time frame to which you’ll have to make a decision.

Lastly, don’t treat your new boss or colleagues like you’re best friends already. Keep it professional and all business. There will be time to build relationship when you start your new job.

There you have it. Our 5 Spooky ways to lose a job offer. We certainly and sincerely hope you’ll never experience having a job offer retracted of your own doing! That’s just too scary.

Spookily yours,
Team at TALTEK

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