How To Communicate Effectively

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HAVE YOU EVER tried to have an important conversation with someone who's constantly checking their cell phone? Or maybe you've met people who never look you in the eye when talking to you?

These are signs of a lack of ability to communicate effectively.

Effective communication avoids wasting time and misunderstanding which leads to a loss in the emotional quality of our interactions. Misunderstandings between two people can lead to the end of their relationship.

Effective communication avoids wasting time and misunderstanding which leads to a loss in the emotional quality of our interactions. Misunderstandings between two people can lead to the end of their relationship.

The following are the important elements of effective communications:

1. Active Listening​

One of the key tips for being an active listener is to pay full attention to the speaker, which can be difficult when you're on your cell phone or doing a thousand other things at the same time. In order to be able to give full attention to a person, you have to be in the present moment. Paying attention takes constant effort. There is a big difference between receiving information and being able to absorb it. Additionally, giving attention to others is also being respectful.

I have had the experience of interviewing a talent who double or triple booked other meetings at the same time of the interview, intentionally! And the surprising thing is - this is apparently a very common phenomenon in IT. I wonder if this person would be able to remmeber and assimilate the information from these three encounters? To listen actively, avoid interrupting someone who is speaking or constantly steering the conversation towards you. This can be difficult as it's tempting to make connections and share your own experiences. Obviously, it is possible to do this, but at the right time, without bringing everything back to your experience and asking the other person any questions.

Communicating successfully with someone doesn't mean agreeing with them on everything. On the contrary, a difficult discussion when properly conducted can lead to a connection between the two parties. More and more, I encourage people around me to speak up on topics they disagree with in their work team or in their personal lives. It can be difficult at times, but the more we do it, the better we become at tackling difficult topics, and the healthier our relationships with others will be. Workplaces should also encourage a healthy conversation space where everyone can express themselves on a variety of topics and challenge established beliefs.

2. Non-verbal Communication

Your verbal communication is key in the way you get your message across. During interviews, I often see people with closed non-verbal communication (arms crossed, slumped posture, easy expression, tired or disinterested). NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) encourages copying (modeling) the behavior of mentors who have the attitudes and behaviors that we seek to change at home. With this in mind, if you want success in your career, copy the behaviors of those who already are, starting with non-verbal communication (an open posture, being ready and alert, preparing for your interview before the meeting, planning the meeting. meeting at a suitable time when you will have energy and you will not be pressed for time, etc.)

3. Stress Management

Managing stress in communication can be resolved through better preparation - for example preparing and rehearsing a presentation for an interview. It can also be alleviated by a change in your view of effective and enjoyable conversation.

Le TED Talks d’Alexander Valazquez: The Art of effective communication permet de changer notre façon de concevoir la communication. Alexander Valazquez présente une définition simple de la communication ; transmettre de l’information. Lorsqu’une conversation échoue à transmettre de l’information adéquatement à une ou plusieurs personnes, elle n’est plus une conversation. Non seulement l’information doit être reçu mais aussi comprise. Une bonne façon d’assurer la compréhension est de faire transférer l’information par votre audience à un troisième partie.

4. Traps

Managing stress in communication can be resolved through better preparation - for example preparing and rehearsing a presentation for an interview. It can also be alleviated by a change in your view of effective and enjoyable conversation.

Managing stress in communication can be resolved through better preparation - for example preparing and rehearsing a presentation for an interview. It can also be alleviated by a change in your view of effective and enjoyable conversation.

5. Art

Communication is an art! Make it fun, play with the words. It represents a flow; it requires a presence as when an artist is in a zone or a creative bubble. Communication with the other requires adaptation. One must learn to navigate the communication of others.

Communication is an art! Make it fun, play with the words. It represents a flow; it requires a presence as when an artist is in a zone or a creative bubble. Communication with the other requires adaptation. One must learn to navigate the communication of others.

« Comment communiquer efficacement » fait partie de la série de blogs de TALTEK sur l’intelligence émotionnelle.

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How To Communicate Effectively

HAVE YOU EVER tried to have an important conversation with someone who's constantly checking their cell phone? Or maybe you've met people who never look you in the eye when talking to you?